Who is Theodore Zoli?

In the article “Theodore Zoli, Genius Bridge Engineer,” Tom Chiarella writes a magazine-style biography on the award-winning bridge builder and engineer Theodore Zoli, P.E. The article opens with a description of a job site and introduces us to a man who appears more like a poet than an engineer. Even still, Zoli is considered the engineer of the moment and the article explains why.

The article goes into Zoli’s specialty as an engineer. It also gives us an inside look into how Zoli analyses the world around him, including his thoughts on various bridges, such as the George Washington, Queensboro, and Manhattan bridges. Why does the engineer of the moment believe one bridge is better than another? What are his thoughts on leaving a signature on the bridge? The article also goes into why he appreciates poet Hart Crane, writer of the long poem “The Bridge.”

To find out more, read the entire article: http://www.esquire.com/features/brightest-2010/theodore-zoli-bio-1210